The Darkest Moment

“The trauma was overwhelming, and the scars ran deep,”. Edwina recounts, her voice trembling with a mix of pain and determination. As a bright and ambitious 19-year-old with dreams of becoming a lawyer, Edwina’s life took a tragic turn when she fell victim to the heinous act of rape by a family friend, a military captain. Devastated and broken, she found herself haunted by nightmares, with no one to turn to for help.

Rainbo Initiative’s Support

Edwina at Rainbo Initiative 2023 Fundraising Dinner in Freetown. Photo by Bob Lamin/RI

They listened to my story, held my hand through the darkest moments, and provided the support and encouragement I so desperately needed, she says. “They became my pillars of hope, reminding me that I was not alone in my struggle.” 

Rainbo Initiative stepped in to provide Edwina with the support and care she needed to navigate the darkest moments of her life.

Rebuilding Strength and Confidence

Edwina is posing before her department signpost at Fourah Bay College. Photo by Denis/FBC Student

Just a month after the incident, Edwina sat for her high school final exams, WASSCE, and excelled. This impressive performance led to her enrollment in the First Lady of Sierra Leone Survivor Scholarship program. Rainbo Initiative then paid for Edwina to be relocated to Freetown for advanced medical treatment. “

This is a testament to the power of the support and counselling she received at the Rainbo Centre,”  Says Naomi, a Counselor at the Rainbo Centre. “We were committed to helping her regain her strength and confidence, and it is deeply gratifying to see her now pursuing her dream of becoming a lawyer and advocating for other survivors.”

Pursuing Justice and Becoming a Beacon of Hope

Edwina was making a statement at the 2023 16 Days of Activism Launch in Freetown. Photo by Bob Lamin/RI

“I am now more than determined to achieve my dream of becoming a lawyer,” Edwina declares. I want to deliver justice to other women and girls who have experienced what I have gone through. Now I understand their pain because I have endured it. I want to be a beacon of hope, a voice that cannot be silenced.” 

Edwina has been admitted to Fourah Bay College, where she is now pursuing her legal studies, driven by her determination to seek justice and be a voice for other survivors.

Edwina’s Advocacy Efforts

In addition to her academic pursuits, Edwina is an active member of Rainbo Initiative Survivor Solidarity Group, a group of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence who have accessed Rainbo Initiative’s support to advocate for the betterment of survivors and raise awareness on SGBV. Her firsthand experience and dedication have made her a powerful voice for change.

Edwina’s resilience and relentless spirit are truly inspiring. With the support of Rainbo Initiative, she has turned her traumatic experience into a powerful force for change, dedicating her life to advocating for other women and girls who have endured similar horrors. Her story is a testament to the transformative impact that Rainbo Initiative’s services can have on the lives of survivors.

Edwina was addressing a delegation from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK at Rainbo Initiative Head Office in Freetown. Photo by Bob Lamin/RI


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