The ‘Livelihood Innovation, Food Security, and Entrepreneurship (AGE-LIFE)’ project, funded by Irish Aid through Concern Worldwide, is being implemented by the Rainbo Initiative Liberia (RIL). This multi-faceted initiative aims to empower community changemakers with the knowledge and skills to identify, respond to, and prevent violence against women and girls.

Comprehensive Approach to GBV Prevention and Response

At the heart of the AGE-LIFE project is a commitment to strengthening GBV response services and catalysing community-driven prevention efforts. Rainbo Initiative Liberia (RIL) has developed and distributed Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials to raise awareness about GBV and available support services. In parallel, in collaboration with Concern Worldwide, we are rolling out the Sonke Gender Justice Module in 41 communities across Rivercess and Grand Bassa counties. By engaging men, women, and traditional leaders in dialogues that challenge harmful gender norms and promote more equitable relationships, we aim to strengthen the legal framework for GBV prevention and survivor support, ultimately creating a balanced gender society and promoting sustainable community development.

“By working with both service providers and community members, we can address GBV from multiple angles,” explains Francelia G. Nimene , RIL’s Program Manager. “Our goal is to empower people with the knowledge and skills to protect the rights of women and girls, while also strengthening the systems that provide crucial support to survivors.”

Catalyzing Sustainable Change

Through the AGE-LIFE project, RIL is optimistic about the potential for sustainable, community-driven change. By equipping local changemakers as champions of gender equality, the initiative seeks to boost social cohesion, empower women and youth, and cultivate a more balanced, just society.

“This project is not just about delivering services or raising awareness,” says RIL’s Country Representative, Dominic J. Kamara. “It’s about sparking a movement of individuals and communities who are committed to upholding the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of gender. That’s the kind of lasting impact we hope to achieve.”

As the AGE-LIFE project unfolds, RIL remains steadfast in its mission to create a Liberia where women and girls can live free from the threat of violence. Through holistic, community-based approaches, the organization is confident that lasting progress can be made in the fight against GBV.

To read more about Rainbo Initiative’s work in Liberia, you can follow our work on Facebook and Linkedin.