Location : 4 Williams Drive, SS Camp, IMATT – Freetown
Phone : +23276900611
Rainbo Initiative Sierra Leone is a global example of a local initiative passionate about ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in communities and the society at large.
Contact Us

    Working Hours : Monday-Friday, 09am-5pm
    Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.


    We value the feedback and testimonials from survivors and other stakeholders who have benefited from our services. These testimonials highlight the positive impact of our work and serve as a testament to the effectiveness of our programmes.

    Overcoming the Shadows of Assault: Josephine’s Journey to Empowerment

    Josephine’s life was shattered when she was robbed and brutally assaulted by her own housemate. But with the support of the Rainbo Centre, she found the strength to reclaim her life and become an advocate for other survivors. .

    Kadija’s Journey of Resilience: From Victim to Survivor

    Kadija’s life was shattered when she was sexually abused by her schoolteacher. Afraid and unsure where to turn, she remained silent until her mother discovered she was pregnant. That’s when the family sought help and Kadija was referred to the Rainbo Centre.

    Edwina’s Journey: From Survivor to Advocate

    Edwina’s story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of Rainbo Initiative’s support. From survivor to advocate, her journey inspires us to continue our mission of empowering survivors and driving change.