Evidence-Based Advocacy for Systematic Change

Rainbo team group image

Rainbo Initiative’s advocacy work is rooted in the organisation’s origins in the aftermath of the Sierra Leone civil war. In 2002, the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommended that the government provide free psychosocial support and reproductive health services to women affected by the conflict. In response, the International Rescue Committee established the Rainbo Centres in 2003 to provide lifesaving services to survivors of sexual violence.

Building on this foundation, Rainbo Initiative has continued to advocate for policy reforms, legal protection, and the implementation of comprehensive gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response strategies at the national and regional levels. Through evidence-based advocacy, we raise awareness of GBV as a critical social issue, mobilize support, and influence decision-makers to prioritize the rights and safety of individuals.

By amplifying the voices of survivors and promoting systemic change, Rainbo Initiative’s advocacy efforts strive to ensure that all individuals’ fundamental rights and safety are protected and upheld. We collaborate with various partners, including community organisations, civil society groups, and government agencies, to drive policy reforms and catalyse lasting, transformative change.