Rainbo Initiative Liberia (RIL), with support from Irish Aid, is implementing the ‘Enhancing SGBV Awareness and Service Provider Capacity in Duport Road Communities’ project. This project aims to elevate awareness of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in communities surrounding the Duport Road One Stop Center and strengthen the capacity of SGBV service providers.

Building on the outreach awareness sessions conducted by RIL from January to June 2023, this project seeks to consolidate and scale up these vital efforts. A multifaceted approach will be employed, including:

Community Engagement and Prevention:

  • Recruitment and training of four community SGBV focal persons to lead educational sessions in local communities, schools, markets, and media outlets.
  • A three-day SGBV training for chairmen of motorbike riders associations, recognizing their influential role in the local economy and potential involvement in perpetuating violence against women and girls.
  • Training for 12 influential community stakeholders from each of the four target communities on SGBV concepts, legal frameworks, early warning signs, and national referral pathways, including services offered at the One Stop Center.

Service Provision and Capacity Building:

  • Journalist training on ethical reporting of SGBV issues to address gaps in confidentiality and technical expertise in presenting rape-related matters to the public.
  • Capacity-building for key service providers, including law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and social workers, to enhance their skills in SGBV case management, clinical management of sexual assault cases, and psychosocial counselling.
  • Establishment of a robust SGBV database to strengthen record-keeping and informed decision-making for improved support services.

Through these comprehensive efforts, the project aims to create a safer and more just society for women and girls in Liberia, while promoting sustainable development and good governance.

As Francelia G. Nimene, the Program Manager at RIL, explains,

“This initiative is crucial in addressing the alarmingly high rates of gender-based violence in Liberia. By empowering communities, strengthening service providers, and elevating awareness, we are taking vital steps towards a future where women and girls can live free from the threat of violence.”

By fostering collaborative partnerships, enhancing institutional capacities, and mobilizing communities, the ‘Enhancing SGBV Awareness and Service Provider Capacity in Duport Road Communities’ project seeks to see tangible change and pave the way for a more equitable and resilient Liberia.


To read more about Rainbo Initiative’s work in Liberia, you can follow our work on Facebook and Linkedin.