Abuse and Reporting

In April 2022, Kadija’s life took a devastating turn when she was sexually abused by her schoolteacher. Afraid and unsure of where to turn, Kadija remained silent until her mother discovered she was pregnant. It was then that the family sought help, reporting the incident to the Family Support Unit at the Congo Cross Police Station in Freetown.

“Silence is what allowed my abuse to continue for so long. But finding the courage to speak up was the first step towards reclaiming my life,” Kadija bravely recounts.

Receiving Support at the Rainbo Centre

Kadija was immediately referred to the Rainbo Centre, where she was attended to with compassionate care. Though initially fearful of becoming a dropout due to the pregnancy from the abuse, the Rainbo Centre team provided her with comprehensive medical care, psychological counselling, and resolute support.

“When I walked through the doors of the Rainbo Centre, I was overwhelmed by the kindness and understanding I received. They gave me the space to process my trauma without judgment,” Kadija shares.

Mamanama Amara, GBV Response Supervisor at the Freetown Rainbo Centre, recalls,

“When Kadija first came to us, she was terrified that the aftermath of her abuse would rob her of her dreams. The pregnancy, the anger from her father – it threatened to derail her entire future. But through our home visits and our compassionate counselling, we stood by Kadija’s side. We helped her navigate that incredibly difficult time, ensuring she could safely deliver her child.”

Kadija’s Transformation

“The Rainbo Centre’s continuous home visits, follow-up care, and psychosocial support helped me cope with the trauma and start rebuilding my life. I am forever grateful for their dedication,” Kadija expresses with gratitude.

Nancy Seisay, a midwife at the Freetown Rainbo Centre, is pictured with Kadija during one of her home visits. Photo by Bob Lamin/RI.

Recognizing the importance of education in Kadija’s future, Rainbo Initiative went above and beyond to enrol her into the First Lady of Sierra Leone’s Scholarship program for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, allowing her to continue her studies at the University of Sierra Leone (Institute of Public Administration and Management- IPAM) and pursue her passion for accounting.

“This has given me a sense of empowerment and hope for the future,” Kadija says, her voice brimming with determination.

Kadija feeling confident and empowered after her home visitation session with Nancy Seisay. Photo by Bob Lamin/RI

Mamanama adds, “Seeing Kadija thrive in her academics despite the challenges she has faced is a true testament to her resilience and the impact of our programmes.”

Kadija’s Gratitude and Advocacy

“Rainbo Initiative has been my guiding light during the darkest moments of my life,” Kadija shares, her voice filled with profound appreciation. “They have not only restored my dignity but have also given me the tools to reclaim my future and become a voice for change in my community.”

Kadija smiling and looking confident. Photo by Bob Lamin/RI

Kadija is now part of the Rainbo Initiative Survivor Solidarity Group, a group of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence trained by Rainbo Initiative to advocate for the betterment of survivors and raise awareness on SGBV. Her journey, marked by resilience and empowerment, serves as an inspiration to all those who have faced similar challenges.

Kadija’s story is a powerful example of the transformative change that can occur when survivors are supported with compassion and given the resources to heal and thrive. Her determination to use her voice and experiences to advocate for others underscore the lasting impact of Rainbo Initiative’s work.

To read more about Rainbo Initiative’s work in Sierra Leone, you can follow our work on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.